
May 16, 2011

Fabulous Quote

Dress: F21, Belt and Shoes: Zara

"You may have a fresh start at any moment you choose, for this thing we call "failure" is not the falling down, but the staying down." 
Mary Pickford

When I saw this quote I loved it, we always have the choice to start again, at any second. For me we are not failing we are learning and life is about the learning experience. So don't stay down, have a fresh start this week, and everyday.

Have a fabulous week!!

P.S. I'm starting my week with a new cousin and a niece in my family ;)


"Puedes comenzar de nuevo en cualquier momento que decidas, para esto que llamamos "fracaso" no es el caer,  "fracaso" es no levantarse"
~Mary Pickford
Cuando vi esta frase, me encantó, siempre tenemos la opción de empezar de nuevo en cualquier momento; en cualquier segundo. Para mi no estamos fracasando, estamos aprendiendo, la vida es aprender de todas las experiencias que tenemos. Así que no te quedes tirado, empieza de nuevo esta semana y todos los días.

Que tengas una fabulosa semana!!

P.D. Yo estoy comenzando mi semana con un nuevo primito y una sobrina en mi familia ;)


Kate said...

Beautiful photos! I love those shoes!! And congrats on your new cousin and niece! :)

Carla Steinberg {a fabulous life} said...

Thanks Katie!! :)

Pink Sun Drops said...

Love this quote! And congrats on your new family members!

Pink Sun Drops said...

Oh, and thanks for coming to say hi. I didn't think about my comments on other people's blogs being erased that day as well. Sadness!