
June 28, 2011


Life is filled with opportunities, but sometimes we are too attached to the past, and we tend to miss opportunities that stand right in front of us; they can be from the most simple to the most complex ones. Like these pictures, that David took of me yesterday. I was driving in L.A., on a very narrow street near to Santa Monica, and I saw a beautiful house with this fabulous door, and the first thing that came to mind was to stop and take a picture, so we stopped.  And the truth is, that probably if at that moment I had not been present even though I was driving, I would have never noticed it and passed it by.
In life, sometimes we just go without noticing opportunities; often there are doors that are closed but there are others that are open for us, and there are times that we don’t see those who opened, because we are focused in those that closed. For me yesterday it was the opportunity to take a few pictures, and maybe, tomorrow will be to meet someone. And the way of seeing these opportunities is to stop focusing in our past and to focus in our present, that is TODAY.

La vida esta llena de oportunidades, pero algunas veces estamos apegados al pasado, y perdemos oportunidades que se presentan frente a nosotros, y pueden ser desde lo mas simple hasta lo más complejo. Como estas fotos que David me tomó el día de ayer; estaba manejando en L.A., por una calle muy estrecha cerca de Santa Mónica, y vi una hermosa casa con esta fabulosa puerta y lo primero que pensé fue, necesito parar aquí y tomar unas fotos, así que paramos. Y la verdad es que probablemente si en ese momento no hubiera estado presente, a pesar de que yo iba manejando, nunca la hubiera notado y simplemente me hubiera seguido de largo; y la verdad es que muchas veces en nuestra vida nos seguimos de largo sin notar oportunidades, muchas veces se nos cierran puertas, pero se nos abren otras, y hay veces que no vemos las que se nos abren por estar enfocados en la que se nos cerró. Para mi el día de ayer fue la oportunidad de tomar unas fotos, y tal vez mañana sea el de conocer a alguien; y la manera de ver esas oportunidades es dejar de estar concentrados en nuestro pasado y enfocarnos en nuestro presente, que es HOY.

1 comment:

Pink Sun Drops said...

These doors are amazing. I love David's photography skills. And YOU are gorgeous!!

Love these thoughts on being present. Something I need to keep in mind for this next week for sure.