
July 28, 2011

Colorado Photo Diary: Part 2 "Boulder"

On my second day in Colorado we went to Boulder. Boulder is at the base of the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, is famous for its status as one of the most liberal cities in Colorado.
En mi segundo día en Colorado fuimos a Boulder. Boulder está en la base de las  colinas de las Montañas Rocosas, es famosa y conocida por ser unas de las ciudades más liberales de Colorado.

We had breakfast at this fabulous “TeaHouse”, I loved all the details of the place.
Desayunamos en esta fabulosa “Casa del Té”, me fascinaron todos los detalles del lugar.

After breakfast we walked around Boulder...
Después de desayunar caminamos en Boulder...

I Hope you enjoy the pictures, tomorrow I’ll post the part 3 of my photo diary. Have a fabulous day.
Espero que disfruten las fotos, esperen el día de mañana la parte 3 de mi diario de fotos. Que tengan un fabuloso día.


Yehudit Steinberg said...

What an amazing teahouse! And your pics of the area are beautiful and colorful.


Courtney said...

I'm actually working in Boulder right now for the county and I love it! It's kind of a crazy town and with a crazy reputation but you just can't beat the beauty! Great pictures of the tea house by the way!